NSNNational Stock Number.
NTPNavy Training Plan.
O-LEVELOrganizational Level.
OHMA measurement of electrical resistance.
OJTOn-the-job training.
OPNAVOffice of the Chief of Naval Operations.
OPTAROperations (or Operating) Target (funding).
OSIOperating space item.
PARALLELBeing arranged so that two or more
lines, such as centerlines or lines along outside
edges, can all be at right angles to one common
PEBPre-Expended Bin.
PEENTo change the shape of a metal part by striking
with a hammer.
pH NUMBERA number used to measure the acidity
or alkalinity of a solution; pH values run from 0
through 14.
A value of 7 indicates neutrality;
numbers less than 7 indicate acidity, and numbers
greater than 7 indicate alkalinity.
PICKLETo clean castings or forgings in a hot weak-
sulfuric-acid bath.
PITTINGSmall deep cavities with sharp edges.
May be caused in metal surfaces by high impacts or
by oxidation.
PMEPrecision Measuring Equipment.
PMSPlanned Maintenance System.
PNEUMATICThat which is operated or moved by
the use of pressurized air.
POWER PACKAGEProvides and maintains the
hydraulic pressure to raise and lower the barricade
PQSPersonnel Qualification Standards.
PRESSURIZETo compress air or hydraulic fluid to
a pressure greater than normal.
QAQuality Assurance.
QAIQuality Assurance Inspector.
QDRQuality Deficiency Report.
RACRapid Action Change.
REEVETo pass a cable or rope through a sheave,
hole, ring, or similar object.
REMOVAL TORQUEThe minimum torque re-
quired to remove an installed screw, measured with
no axial load in the screw and while the screw is in
SATURATED STEAMSteam that contains mois-
measurement of fluid viscosity as determined by a
Saybolt viscometer. (The higher the SSU number,
the more viscous the fluid.)
SCORINGDeep grooves in a surface caused by
rubbing when fine, hard particles are forced
between moving surfaces (as in a bearing and
journal), or when a moving part is not supplied with
SESupport Equipment.
SECDEFSecretary of Defense.
SECNAVSecretary of the Navy.
SECURETighten joints or fasteners.
SEIZINGA wrapping, consisting of several turns of
light line or wire, placed around the cut end of a
wire rope to prevent the strands of the rope from
SEIZINGThe stopping of motion between two
contacting surfaces because of lack of lubrication.
SFOMSShip's Force Overhaul Management Sys-
SFWPShip's Force Work Package.
SHEARA break in a part caused by an external
SHIPALTShip Alteration.
SIShip Installation,
SIMAShore Intermediate Maintenance Activity.
SLEPService Life Extension Program.
SM&RSource, Maintenance, and Recovery Code.
SNAPShipboard Non-tactical ADP Program.
SPALLING OR FLAKINGA breakdown of the
surface metal over a small area, resulting in the
surface metal's becoming loose and detached from
the base material.