A3. The launch valve steam valve admits and shuts off the flow of steam to the
launching engine cylinders during operation.
A4. The launch valve stroke timer electrical system measures launch valve per-
A5. To prevent the exhaust valve from opening while the launch valve is open.
A6. The shuttle assembly by means of a launch bar attached to the aircraft nose
gear and connected to the catapult NGL spreader?
A7. The lubrication system provides a means of lubricating the launching engine
A8. The retract permissive and maneuver aft circuit.
A9. Capacity of 90 gallons.
A10. The retraction engine and drive system is used to return the launching engine
pistons and shuttle assembly to the battery position after each launch.
A11. Control is divided between the ICCS and the CCP.
A12. The deck edge signal box indicates the readiness of the catapult.
A13. No loads are conducted during the accomplishment of preoperational MRCs
and may also be required during post maintenance check out.
A14. After 10 seconds.
A1. The operating gear assembly provides the means of physically raising and
lowering the JBD panels.
A2. The Mk 7 Mod 0 JBD consists of 14 tube assemblies.
A3. The swivel joint permits rotational movement of the piping during raising and
lowering of the JBDs.
A4. The maximum temperature of the cooling water is 210°F.
A5. The four-way control valve (stack valve) controls the hydraulic fluid to and
from the hydraulic cylinders.
A6. The stack valve is a four-way, solenoid controlled pilot operated valve.
A7. The difference between the deckedge and the auxiliary panels is none, because
they are identical.
A8. The double indicator light indicates low cooling water pressure and high cool-
ing water temperature.
A9. The all raise switch permits raising and lowering of all JBD panels simul-
A10. The panel support is used to lock the JBD panels in the raised position for
maintenance or emergencies.
A11. The personnel required for an JBD emergency lowering are:
Topside safety Petty Officer (overall in charge)
Topside JBD phone talker
Below decks phone talker/valve operator
Two personnel to install emergency lowering device