A8. Color codes are used to annotate the priority section of the ALRE MAF card.
A9. The ALRE MAF is divided into seven areas.
A10. Copy 1 of the ALRE MAF is retained by QA.
A11. The primary role of maintenance support is to assist operating work centers by
providing technical expertise in performing maintenance and repairs on
critical equipment.
A12. The maintenance summary sheets must be retained for 2 years.
A13. Benefits of the tool control program are:
Reduced initial outfitting and tool replacement costs
Reduced tool pilferage
Reduced man-hours required to complete each maintenance task
Assurance that the proper tools are available to perform specific main-
tenance tasks
A14. False: CDIs are assigned to their respective work centers.
A15. The work center supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the proper level of
QA inspection is assigned to a maintenance action.
A16. QAIs and CDQAIs are designated in writing by the commanding officer.
A17. The categories of QA audits are:
Work center
Annual TYCOM
A1. Inactive Equipment Maintenance is maintenance performed when specific
equipment will remain inactive for 30 days or longer and is not scheduled for
repair, maintenance, or overhaul by either ships force or an external repair
A2. The workcenter PMS manual contains only the planned maintenance require-
ments applicable to a particular workcenter.
A3. The maintenance requirement card provides detailed procedure used to per-
form maintenance.
A4. The cycle schedule displays the planned maintenance requirements to be per-
formed during the period between major overhauls of the ship; that is, from
the first quarter after overhaul to the next first quarter after a ship's overhaul.
A5. All superseded cycle schedules are retained for 12 months.
A6. The quarterly schedule is updated weekly.
A7. The Maintenance Data System is used to record information considered nec-
essary for workload planning and coordination and to provide a data base for
evaluating and improving equipment installed in the fleet.
A8. Under MDS, The job control number (JCN) consists of a five-character unit
identification code (UIC), a four-character workcenter code, and a four-
character serial number called the job sequence number (JSN).