Screwdrivers, 1-44
offset, 1-46
reed and prince, 1-45
standard, 1-44
Setscrew wrenches, 1-26
allen, 1-26
bristol, 1-26
Sheave damper, 3-24
Socket handles, 1-23
sliding t-bar, 1-23
speedhandle, 1-23
Spanner wrenches, 1-26
hook spanner, 1-26
pin spanner, 1-26
Steam catapults, 4-1
description, 4-1
launching valve assemblies, 4-4
Steam cutoff pressure-switch installation, 4-22
Steam system, 4-1
capacity selector valve, 4-9
launching valve assembly, 4-4
launching-valve control valve, 4-9
Striking tools, 1-30
ball-peen hammer, 1-31
machinists hammers, 1-31
Taps, 1-34
bottoming, 1-34
plug, 1-34
Tool Control Program, 1-1,6-13
care of hand tools, 1-2
Toolbox flashlight, 1-47
Torque wrenches, 1-23
deflecting beam, 1-24
dial indicating, 1-24
micrometer setting, 1-24
Transfer switches, 4-49
integrated catapult control system (ICCS), 4-44
V-2 maintenance organization structure and
responsibility, 6-2
ALRE maintenance support, 6-12
maintenance control, 6-3
quality assurance branch, 6-13
Visual information display system (VIDS), 6-4
maintenance action form (MAF) Cards, 6-7
Walkback, 3-60
Weekly schedule, 7-19
Wrenches, 1-18
box, 1-21
combination, 1-21
open-end, 1-19
socket, 1-22