What are the categories of QA audits?
You should now know that overhaul maintenance is
restorative or additive work on catapults, arresting gear,
VLA, and their associated equipment that is usually
performed at a naval overhaul and depot facility,
contractor plant, or industrial facility.
You should know that maintenance tasks are
assigned according to the complexity, scope, and range
of the work to be performed. You have read about the
duties of the maintenance control, quality assurance,
and maintenance support branches of V-2 division. You
should now know the purposes of the maintenance
action forms and the procedures for their completion.
You should know that V-2 divisions support naval
operations through the upkeep and operation of
catapult and arresting gear equipment and that the
Maintenance Program (ALREMP) makes this type of
support possible.
You should also know that the ALREMP program
depends heavily on the quality assurance concept and
that quality assurance in maintenance is a responsibility
of all hands.
Should you not fully understand this chapter, you
should thoroughly study it again. You, as an ABE, will
be responsible for supporting ALREMP through your
knowledge and experience.