NEEDLE-NOSE PLIERSNeedle-nose pliers (fig. 1-47, view B) are used inthe same manner as duckbill pliers. However, there is adifference in the design of the jaws. Needle-nose jawsare tapered to a point, which makes them adapted toinstalling and removing small cotter pins. They haveserrations at the nose end and a side cutter near thethroat. Needle-nose pliers may be used to hold smallitems steady, to cut and bend safety wire, or to donumerous other jobs that are too intricate or too difficultto be done by hand alone.NOTEDuckbillandneedle-nosepliersareespecially delicate. Care should be exercisedwhen using these pliers to prevent springing,breaking, or chipping the jaws. Once thesepliers are damaged, they are practicallyuseless.WIRE-TWISTER PLIERSWire-twister pliers (safety wire pliers) (fig. 1-47,view C) are three-way pliers: they hold, twist, and cut.They are designed to reduce the time used in twistingsafety wire on nuts and bolts. To operate, grasp the wirebetween the two diagonal jaws, and the thumb willbring the locking sleeve into place. A pull on the knobtwirls the twister, making uniform twists in the wire.The spiral rod may be pushed back into the twisterwithout unlocking it, and another pull on the knob willgive a tighter twist to the wire. A squeeze on the handleunlocks the twister, and the wire can be cut to thedesired length with the side cutter. The spiral of thetwister should be lubricated occasionally.MAINTENANCE OF PLIERSNearly all sidecutting pliers and diagonals aredesigned so that the cutting edges can be reground.Some older models of pliers will not close if material isground from the cutting edges. When grinding thecutting edges, never take any more material from thejaws than is necessary to remove the nicks. Grind thesame amount of stock from both jaws.NOTEWhen jaws on pliers do not open enough topermit grinding, remove the pin that attachesthe two halves of the pliers, so that the jaws canbe separated.The serrations on the jaws of pliers must be sharp.When they become dull, the pliers should be held in avise and the serrations recut by using a smallthree-corner file.Pliers should be coated with light oil when they arenot in use. They should be stored in a toolbox in such amanner that the jaws cannot be injured by striking hardobjects. Keep the pin or bolt at the hinge just tightenough to hold the two parts of the pliers in contact, andalways keep the pivot pin lubricated with a few drops oflight oil.REVIEW QUESTIONSQ14.Identify the different types of pliers.Q15.What are wrench pliers used for?Q16.What are side-cutting pliers used for?Q17.What is used to sharpen the serrations on thejaws of pliers?STRIKING TOOLSLEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identify thedifferent types of striking tools. Describe theuses of different types of striking tools.Describe the proper care of striking tools. Listthe safety precautions that apply to strikingtools.Hammers, mallets, and sledges are used to apply astriking force. The tool you select (fig. 1-48) willdepend upon the intended application.1-30Figure 1-48.—Hammers, mallets, and sledges.
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