Ammunition supply activities that receive a
requisition cancellation request are required by
MILSTRIP to provide the requisitioner, supplementary
addressee, and CINCLANTFLT with either a
cancellation confirmation or shipment status (if the
material has already been shipped) within 5 days after
receipt of the AC1 document.
If confirmation of the cancellation or shipment
status is not received within 10 days after submitting
the cancellation request, you should take immediate
follow-up action. The follow-up document must use
document identifier AK1 and be prepared and
submitted in the same format as the cancellation
Fleet units are required to cancel all outstanding
requisitions upon departure for deployment. Shore
activities review all outstanding requisitions annually
and determine whether the material was received or is
still required. Requisitions for material not received and
no longer required are canceled. Requisitions must be
resubmitted for materials that are still required.
Procedures for turn in of ammunition, ammunition
details, and the procedures for temporary storage and
custody ashore are discussed in this section. It is
impractical to cover every procedure for every
discussion is limited to the more routine procedures.
Regardless of the particular type of ammunition or
ammunition details you are turning in, NAVSEA OP 4
and NAVSEA OP 5, volume 1, requires that all inert
components, details, and cartridge cases be inspected
and certified that the containers are inert. It is extremely
important that you strictly adhere to these regulations.
It is imperative that all applicable personnel be
thoroughly familiar with the procedures required for
inspection, certification, and marking of empty or inert
Turn-in of Air-Launch Missile Material
Ships must turn in air-launch missiles (ALMs) and
ALM material (including wings and fins) before a
regular overhaul. Upon return from deployment,
CV/CVNs are normally directed to turn in or transfer
all ALMs and ALM material to another ship or activity
ashore. This does not include inert rounds used for
training missile-handling crews.
Present ALM maintenance policy permits ships to
retain all serviceable deep-stowed ALMs, including
ALMs on cargo load ships, until the maintenance due
date (MDD) of the missile has been reached.
Deep-stowed ALMs are missiles that have not been
removed from their sealed shipping container. When a
deep-stowage and the MDD has not expired, the
accompanying paperwork is normally marked ready for
issue (RFI). When the shipping seals on the missile
container are broken, or the missile is removed from the
shipping container for any reason or the MDD has
expired, the accompanying paperwork should be
marked not ready for issue (non-RFI).
Serviceable assets from deep stowage that are
turned in must be repackaged and tagged according to
current directives. Unserviceable assets, including
stowage, and Seasparrow missiles carried on launchers
must be segregated, packaged, and tagged according to
current directives, and then routed to WPNSTA
Yorktown, Virginia. Documentation is prepared on a
DD Form 1348-1 according to the procedures discussed
in the following paragraph.
Turn-in of Ammunition
When it is necessary to turn in ammunition, two
preliminary steps must be taken. First, when complete
TYCOM, and weapons station or receiving ship by
message of all the items to be off-loaded. In the
message, identify all items by NALC, quantity, and the
date of proposed download. Second, prepare a DOD
Single-Line Item Release/Receipt Document, DD
Form 1348-1, for each type of ammunition to be
Turn-In of Ammunition Details
Ammunition details are devices designed to protect
explosives and/or facilitate their handling. They
include boxes, containers, pallets and accessories,
protective caps, tanks, and brass and steel cartridge
cases. Many of these items are expensive to procure. It
is essential for ammunition users and support activities
to cooperate by ensuring these ammunition details are
returned for reuse.
Ships and shore activities outside CONUS that
make ammunition expenditures must retain all service-
able or repairable details at the earliest opportunity.
Ammunition details and cartridge cases that are
unserviceable or unrepairable should be turned in to the
nearest property disposal office as saleable scrap.