If an excessive elevator down speed occurs, an over
speed valve closes and stops the elevator. The over
speed valve is mounted on the lower end of the lifting
ram hydraulic cylinder assembly.
TORS.The upper-stage, wire-rope elevators (fig.
11-13) are the only weapons elevators in the system that
provide weapons transportation to the flight deck. The
2nd deck is the lowest level served by the upper-stage
elevators. The equipment of upper-stage, wire-rope
elevators are either similar or identical to those of
discussion describes the difference between upper- and
lower-stage, wire-rope elevators.
The elevator trunk enclosure extends from the 3rd
deck to the underside of the flight deck. Power-operated
ballistic hatches in the main deck, 02 level, and flight
deck allow passage of the elevator platform, and they
maintain ballistic integrity within the trunk. There are
power-operated doors in the trunk for elevator loading
and unloading.
So the elevator platform can be raised flush with
the flight deck, the wire-rope attachment points are on
extensions of the platform structure, placing them
1. FLT DK control panel (gallery walkway)
2. Call signal station
3. Elevator trunk
4. FLT DK hatch
5. Flight deck
6. Elevator platform
7. Guide rail
8. 03 level
9. 02 level
10. 02 level
11. 01 level
12. Main deck hatch
13. Main deck
14. 2nd deck
15. 3rd deck
16. Shock absorber
17. 2nd deck control panel
18. 2nd deck aft elevator door
19. Main deck aft control panel
20. Main deck aft elevator door
21. Elevator hoist motor magnetic controller
22. Elevator static control panel
23. Hoisting machine assembly
24. Machine space
Figure 11-13.Typical upper-stage, wire-rope, weapons elevator.