shutoff valve. Open the manifold bypass valve. When
the high-pressure oil gauge indicates a zero pressure,
Hose lines should be tested in accordance with the
open the test chamber door and disconnect and remove
applicable military specification. Each hose
the test hoses.
specification gives proof test pressures and other
pertinent data for that particular type of hose. Perform
After you complete the pneumatic test, stop the
hydraulic testing as follows: Make all the preliminary
operation of the test stand. Adjust the air pressure
adjustments and install the test hoses as described
regulator for a zero reading on the regulated air pressure
previously. Turn the selector valve to the oil boost pump
gauge. Shut off the air supply shutoff valve. Open the
position. Turn on the air supply shutoff valve. Slowly
high-pressure air bleed valve. When the high-pressure
open the air pressure regulator until air-free oil passes
air gauge indicates a zero reading, drain the water by
through the fluid flow sight gauge; then close the
means of the drain valve at the bottom of the chamber.
manifold bleed valve. Increase the pressure on the test
Open the test chamber doors and disconnect the test
hoses to the specified value by adjusting the air pressure
regulator until the desired pressure is indicated on the
high-pressure oil gauges.
Maintenance of hose and hose assemblies at the
preventive maintenance, removal, installation, or
If pressure will exceed 2,000 psi, turn off the
replacement. Proper maintenance practices can
gauge shutoff valve. This shuts off the pressure to the
minimize the problems that might occur with regard to
0-2,000 psi high-pressure oil gauge. Continue to read
hose and hose assemblies.
the 0-20,000 psi gauge. The test hoses may be
observed through the Plexiglas window in the test
Maintenance Practices
chamber door while under test pressure. The pressure
may be increased during test by adjustment of the air
Do not use hose or hose assemblies as foot or hand
pressure regulator.
holds. Do not lay hose or hose assemblies where they
may be stepped on or run over by vehicles. Do not lay
To perform pneumatic testing, proceed as follows.
objects on hose or hose assemblies. Turn the swivel nut
Make all the preliminary adjustments and install the
when loosening or tightening fittings. Hold the socket
test hoses as described previously. Turn on the air
only to prevent the hose assembly from turning.
booster inlet valve. Make sure that the air booster
Perform all necessary turnoff or shutdown procedures
shutoff valve is turned on. Turn the selector valve to the
as outlined in the applicable maintenance instruction
air boost pump position. Turn on the air supply shutoff
manuals (MIMs) or technical directives before
valve. Increase the pressure on the test hose by
removing any hose or hose assembly. Cover open ends
adjusting the air pressure regulator until the desired
of hose, hose assemblies, and fittings with protective
pressure is indicated on the high-pressure air gauge.
closures. Make sure hose, hose assemblies, and
connection points are cleaned before installing.
Preventive Maintenance
Keep the test hose at test pressure for 2 minutes
Preventive maintenance consists of periodic
before turning on the water shutoff valve. A ruptured
inspection and correction of hose and hose assembly
test hose, with water in the pneumatic chamber, could
faults. In this process, you must check for leaks, wear,
cause injury to personnel.
Turn on the water shutoff valve and fill to the level
hose or hose assemblies and clamps.
inside the test chamber. Observe the test hose for air
Checking For Leaks
leaks through the shatterproof glass windows at the top
of the test chamber. Air bubbles rising in the water
Hose or hose assemblies should be replaced when
indicate a leaking hose or fitting. When you complete
leaks are found to be caused by damage to any part of a
the hydraulic test, stop the operation of the test stand.
hose or hose assembly; poor seating or damaged
Adjust the air pressure regulator for a zero reading on
threads of the socket or nipple assembly, which causes
the regulated air pressure gauge. Shut the air supply