After the completion of the proof pressure test,
drain the hose assembly and clean. Install the protective
closures. Install the identification tag. Prepare the hose
assembly for installation or storage.
All flexible hose manufactured in the shop must be
hydraulic or pneumatic pressure tested prior to
installation in the aircraft. Two types of hose burst test
stands, Greer and CGS Scientific, are typical of those
used for this purpose.
Aircraft Hydraulic Hose Test Stand (Greer)
The hose test stand shown in figure 10-16 is
manufactured by Greer Hydraulics, Incorporated. This
test stand is designed especially for proof pressure
testing aircraft hose assemblies and is capable of
developing static pressures up to 30,000 psi.
The high static pressures required for proof testing
are produced by a booster pump powered by shop air
having a pressure of 80 to 120 psi. The unit is mounted
on four legs, which provide mounting holes for bolting
it to the deck. Figure 10-17 shows the instruments and
controls, and table 10-5 lists the functions of each. You
should be familiar with these instruments and controls
before using the test stand. To operate the aircraft
hydraulic hose test stand (Greer), follow the procedures
described below.
Figure 10-17.--Instruments and controls.
Before you operate the test stand, make the
following checks and adjustments: Make sure that the
reservoir is filled. Connect the shop air supply line to
the stand and open the air shutoff valve. Turn the
pressure regulator to the low-pressure position. There
are no special starting instructions since the stand starts
to operate as soon as air pressure is admitted into the
circuit by opening the air shutoff valve. The stand may
be warmed up by capping all pressure outlet ports,
opening the fluid outlet valve, and allowing the pump to
operate for 1 minute.
With the air pressure regulator set at zero, lift the cover
to the open position. Select the proper size adapter
(with O-ring) to fit the hose line to be tested, and install
it in the pressure manifold outlet port. Connect one end
of the test hose line to the manifold adapter. Plug the
manifold ports not being used. Connect the bleed valve
Figure 10-16.--Aircraft hose burst test stand (Greer).
to the adapter. Connect a second adapter on the other