Figure 10-9.--Synthetic rubber medium-pressure hose assembly.
depot organization levels. Undamaged end fittings on
the old length of hose may be removed and reused;
When failure occurs in a flexible hose equipped
otherwise, new fittings must be drawn from supply
with swaged end fittings, the unit is generally replaced
along with a sufficient length of hose.
without attempting a repair. The correct length of hose,
The following assembly procedures are for
complete with factory-installed end fittings, is drawn
instructional purposes only. When fabricating hose
from supply.
assemblies, refer to the Aviation Hose and Tube
When failures occur in hose assemblies equipped
Manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-20. Hose assembly part
with reusable style end fittings, the fabrication of the
number MS 28741-80164 (fig. 10-9), per MIL-H-8795,
replacement unit is the function of the intermediate and
is used here as an example of fabrication procedures.
Table 10-2.--Hose Cutoff Factor (In Inches)