Figure 12-3.--Hydraulic reservoir instruction plate.
Generally, reservoirs described in the above
is manufactured from a strong corrosion-resistant
paragraph use a visual gauge to indicate the fluid
quantity. Gauges incorporated on or in the reservoir
Filter elements are normally installed internally
may be either a glass tube, a direct reading gauge, or a
within the reservoir to clean returning system
float-type rod, which is visible through a transparent
hydraulic fluid. In some of the older aircraft, a filter
dome. In some cases, the fluid quantity may also be
bypass valve is incorporated to allow fluid to bypass
read in the cockpit through the use of quantity
the filter in the event the filter becomes clogged.
Reservoirs serviced by pouring fluid directly into the
A typical nonpressurized reservoir is shown in
reservoir have a filler strainer (finger strainer)
figure 12-4. This reservoir consists of a welded body
assembly incorporated within the filler well to strain
and cover assembly clamped together. Gaskets are