MIL-F-18264D(AS); and Marking and Exterior Finish
instructions. Elastomeric coatings are toxic and
Colors for Airplanes, MIL-M-25047C(ASG).
flammable and must be used with care.
Numbers and Letters
General Safety Precautions for Painting
The layout for standard military letters and
General safety precautions for all painting as well
numbers is shown in figure 5-31. The specifications of
as those for special types of paints must be observed.
the form for letters follows:
These precautions include the following:
No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in
The width of all letters and numbers is measured
across the greatest distance from the outermost points
areas where paint or solvent is being used.
of the letters or numbers. The width of the letters and
Prolonged breathing of vapors from organic
numbers is calculated according to a percentage of the
solvent or materials containing organic solvent is
height by the number of blocks the figure represents. In
dangerous. Prolonged skin contact with organic
other words, to obtain the percentage of the height,
solvents or materials containing organic solvents can
divide the width of the figure by the height.
have a toxic effect on affected skin areas.
What is the primary objective of any paint
1. The letter N is 6 blocks high, as are all the
figures, and 4.5 blocks wide; therefore, the width of the
How can you identify the paint system of an
letter should be 75 percent of the height.
2. The letter A is 5.5 blocks wide, therefore, the
By what means should chemical or
width should be 92 percent of the height.
mechanical paint removal be accomplished?
3. The letter W is 6.5 wide; therefore, the width
What appearance should chemical paint
should be 108 percent of the height.
stripper have that indicates the paint is ready
The sides of some letters and numerals should be
to be removed?
made to include an angle of 30 degrees with the tops or
What treatment is an extremely important
bottoms, as shown in figure 5-31. The space between
part of the corrosion control process?
What is the pot life of Epoxy-polyamide
primer once the two parts are mixed?
What type of evaluation should all personnel
receive prior to being assigned duties
involving the mixing and application of
polyurethane paint system coatings?
What is the closest distance that unprotected
personnel should be allowed to newly painted
surfaces upon completion of the painting
Fo r e x c e l l e n t a d h e s i o n , w h a t i s t h e
d r y i n g p e r i o d f o r E l a s t ro m e r i c r a i n
erosion-resistant coating?
Specifications for the location, colors, and layout
for letters and numbers can be found in Paint Schemes
and Exterior Markings for U.S. Navy and Marine
Corps Aircraft, MIL-STD-2161(AS). Other painting
specifications that you may need to perform your
duties are Finishes, Organic, Weapons Systems,
Figure 5-31.--Forms of letters and numerals.