Figure 5-37.--Cleaning pressure-feed spray gun.
trigger. The cloth forces the spray material back into the
pressure tank (fig. 5-37). Remove the fluid hose from
the gun and the pressure tank. Attach a hose cleaner to
the hose and run thinner or suitable solvent through it.
Clean the air cap by using the same method as the
suction gun air cap.
Figure 5-39.--Air compressors.
NOTE: Do not immerse an entire spray gun in
cleaning materials, such as cleaning solvents and
thinners. These materials dissolve the oil from leather
Both types are commonly used. The portable unit
packings and cause the gun to have an unsteady spray.
consists of an electric or gasoline engine, compressor,
storage tank, automatic unloader mechanism, wheels,
The gun, fluid needle packing, air valve stem, and
and a handle. The stationary unit consists of an electric
trigger bearing screw require frequent lubrication. You
motor, compressor, storage tank, centrifugal pressure
should remove the fluid needle packing before using
release, pressure switch, and mounting feet.
the gun and soften it with oil. The fluid needle spring
should be coated with grease according to the
In addition to the standard spray equipment, special
manufacturer's instructions. See figure 5-38.
types have been developed for the occasional or small
touchup job. There are many types available. Figure
Air Compressors
5-40 shows one that consists of a self-contained power
unit with an attached spray bottle (container). The
To use a spray gun, you need a source of
compressed air. Figure 5-39 shows two types of air
Figure 5-38.--Spray gun lubrication points.
Figure 5-40.--Spray kit self-pressurized.