using any material designated as flammable, all sources
I dash numbers are -1/2 and -2. Type II dash numbers
of ignition must be at least 50 feet away from the
are - 1/2, -2, and -4. The Type III dash number is -1.
location of the work. Toxic vapors are produced by the
Basic sealants are classified in how many
evaporation of solvents or the chemical reaction taking
general categories?
place in the curing sealants. When you are using
What is used to apply Class B sealing
sealants in confined spaces, such as fuel cells, fuselage,
or wing sections, adequate local exhaust ventilation
must be used to reduce the vapors below the maximum
allowable concentration. The vapors must be kept at
that level until repairs have been completed. Do not eat
Many of the sealants previously discussed may be
or smoke when you are working with sealants.
flammable or may produce toxic vapors. When you are