3. Maintaining liaison with NAVAIR, NADOC,
Naval Aviation Maintenance Office (NAMO),
NDI is of vital concern at all levels of maintenance,
NADEPs, and fleet activities on NDI matters
and all operational and support commanders should
4. Ensuring that NDI laboratories, equipment,
direct their efforts toward its proper use. NDI is used in
and personnel are audited as required
the maintenance of Navy aircraft and aircraft systems
5. Designating NDI specialists, as required
performance, or economy can be realized.
6. Designating an NDI program manager
Naval Air Systems Command
Intermediate Maintenance Activities
The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has
Intermediate maintenance activities (IMAs) are
cognizance over the NDI program. They are respon-
responsible for the following:
sible for managing a program of research, develop-
1. Ensuring compliance with qualification re-
ment, training, and application of NDI techniques and
quirements and safety precautions.
equipment. NAVAIRINST 13070.1A assigns the re-
sponsibility for nondestructive testing and inspection
2. Ensuring industrial radiation safety require-
within NAVAIR. NAVAIR is responsible for the
ments are strictly enforced in accordance with the
NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010.
1. Coordinate and issue information on NDI
within naval aviation, other services, and industry, as
3. Using available NDI equipment fully, and
developing new procedures and applications, as far as
practical, to provide labor, material, and cost savings.
2. Ensure appropriate application of NDI at all
levels of maintenance
4. Maintaining an adequate number of certified
and proficient NDI technicians at all times to provide
3. Procure NDI equipment to support an effective
NDI services to supported organizations and transient
4. Procure NDI technical publications, and en-
5. Ensuring the material condition of NDI equip-
sure the updating of such publications as newer tech-
ment and the laboratory is continuously "ready for use"
niques and applications are developed
(RFU). This includes availability of consumable items.
5. Establish the necessary standards and speci-
6. Establishing and maintaining a continuing
fications for NDI
training program within the NDI work center to allow
6. Monitor, evaluate,
NDI technicians to remain up to date with newly
NADEPs NDI program
developed NDI techniques and applications.
7. Provide NDI training for the NADEPs, as
7. Establishing and maintaining liaison with the
cognizant ACC NDI specialist, and requesting
assistance via the chain of command on all NDI
8. Assign an NDI program coordinator to be re-
sponsible for managing implementation of the applica-
tion and training elements
8. Providing and maintaining industrial X-ray
film processing facilities, both ashore and afloat.
9. Providing scheduled and unscheduled NDI
Aircraft controlling custodians (ACCs) are respon-
support to O-level activities, as required.
sible for the following:
10. Maintaining liaison with ship/station radiation
1. Monitoring the NDI program in activities
under their cognizance
Quality Assurance/Analysis
2. Advising on availability and location of NDI
Quality assurance/analysis (QA/A) is responsible
for the following: