NDI operators may be assigned and used in IMAs to
NDI Technicians
perform specific publication-directed NDI tasks only
NDI technicians are personnel who have
when the NDI workload exceeds the capacity of
successfully completed the NDI course (C-603-3191)
assigned NDI technicians. Each case of NDI operator
at Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection School at
use at I-level maintenance must be authorized by the
NATTC Pensacola, Florida. NDI technicians are
cognizant ACC. Requests for such authorizations are
assigned NEC 7225/MOS 6044, and they are qualified
made to the ACC via the appropriate wing.
and certified to perform liquid penetrant, magnetic
Basic NDI operator training is provided by
particle, eddy current, ultrasonic, and radiographic
NADEPs and NDI specialists. When training is not
methods of NDI. These personnel are normally
available, ACCs may authorize the training of NDI
assigned to intermediate maintenance activities
operators by NDI technicians in specific liquid
(IMAs). NDI technicians with 3 or more years of
experience and who are currently certified and engaged
certification/recertification is provided by NDI
in NDI on a regular basis may be authorized by ACCs to
specialists and NDI technicians. Recertification of NDI
train and certify NDI operators for specific NDI
operators is required annually. NDI operators at I-level
applications. The ACC may also waive the 3-year
activities must be closely monitored by qualified NDI
experience requirement provided requests for this
technicians and by cognizant QARs/CDQARs. NDI
authorization are addressed to the ACC/TYCOM via
operators are not authorized to operate radiographic or
the appropriate wing.
ultrasonic equipment. They may, however, be used to
This request must include the technician's current
assist NDI technicians operating that equipment.
qualification, experience history, and the specific
NDI technicians and operators must use the NDI
technical directive/technical publication-directed NDI
method or methods for which they are certified at least
applications for which operator certification is to be
two times each month, as evidenced by entries on their
provided. If approved, a copy of the ACC authorization
work record (OPNAV 4790/140). This can be done
will be attached to the technician's NDI certification
either through normal workload or practice
record and maintained with his/her individual NDI
applications. In those cases where the prescribed
record. Such authorizations remain in effect only as
proficiency is not maintained for 1 or more months,
long as the currency of certification and NDI
technicians or operators can regain proficiency by
experience is maintained. Currently active NDI
making practice applications under the supervision of a
technicians require recertification every 3 years.
certified NDI technician, who will provide
Early recertification is authorized and encouraged
recertification upon determination of proficiency.
to prevent expiration of certification during tours of
Failure to maintain proficiency for 6 months for NDI
deployed duty. Current certification of NDI technicians
operators and 12 months for NDI technicians will
who are regularly engaged in all methods of NDI may
require updated training for recertification. NDI
be extended by ACCs for up to 1 year if circumstances
technicians who fail to maintain proficiency for 3 years
warrant. NEC 7225 personnel who have been inactive
or more will require complete retraining. In all cases
in NDI for 1 year or more require recertification before
exceeding 6 months for operators and 12 months for
resuming active NDI technician status. Recertification
technicians, authorization for updated training or
is provided by designated NADEPs or by ACC
complete retraining is requested from the cognizant
designated and qualified NAESU Navy federal civilian
or military technical specialists.
Activities that are authorized to certify/recertify
NDI technicians and operators must administer an
NDI Operators
appropriate written test on the NDI methods involved.
The NA 01-1A-16 manual is the source for test
NDI operators are military personnel E-4 and
questions. Personnel being certified or recertified will
above, or civilian equivalent, who have successfully
also be required to demonstrate the ability to perform
completed training and are certified to perform specific
NDI inspections as appropriate. The objective is to
NDI tasks using one or more of the following methods:
provide sufficient testing of the candidate to ensure the
liquid penetrant, eddy current, or magnetic particle.
person is competent to conduct NDIs.