either the ARMED or SAFE position. The handle is
Operating Controls
connected to a linkage terminating in a safety plunger,
The ejection control handle (figs. 22 and 23) is on
which passes through the link of the ejection control
the front of the seat bucket, connected by a link and
handle when the handle is in the SAFE position and
crossbar to the twin sears of the seat initiator located
prevents operation of the ejection control handle. In the
under the seat bucket. The seat initiator is connected by
ARMED position, the visible portion of the handle is
two fixed pipes attached to two trombone tube
colored with yellow and black stripes and engraved
assemblies, one on either side at the rear of the seat
ARMED; in the SAFE position the visible portion is
bucket. An upward pull on the ejection handle
colored white and engraved SAFE. An electrical visual
withdraws the two sears of the seat initiator to
SAFE/ARMED indicator is in the cockpit central
simultaneously fire the two-seat initiator impulse
warning panel and is operated by a micro-switch
cartridges CCU-105/A.
actuated by the safety plunger.
Emergency Restraint Release System
The SAFE/ARMED handle is on the RH side of the
The emergency restraint release handle is
seat bucket immediately forward of the emergency
connected by two link assemblies to the lower harness
restraint release handle. A catch in the handle locks it in
lock release mechanism and a firing mechanism housed
Figure 2-22.--Operating controls (SJU-17(V)1/A, 2/A, and 9/A).