valve. Using a wrench or hammer to open a valve
lu b r i c a n t , s u c h a s s t o p c o c k g r e a s e
(MIL-G-27617). A spark is not necessary to
is not recommended.
cause a fire or explosion. The chemical reaction
Do not tamper with safety devices on the
that results from mixing hydrocarbons with
oxygen is sufficient to develop spontaneous
NEVER allow the pressure in oxygen storage
cylinders that service aircraft to fall below 50
Do not allow sparks or flames from a welding or
cutting torch to contact an oxygen cylinder. For
approximately 50 psi are marked "EMPTY,"
that matter, keep all sparks and flames away
tagged, and stored separately from charged
from oxygen cylinders.
NEVER use oxygen from a cylinder without
pressure has been allowed to fall below 15 psig
must be removed from service and
reducing the pressure through a
decontaminated by a heat-vacuum treatment
pressure-reducing regulator.
NEVER use oxygen to test pipes for leaks or to
NEVER refill an oxygen cylinder that has gone
blow out pipe lines, unless the lines are
beyond its hydrostatic test date (5 years after the
specifically made and cleaned for oxygen use.
last test date stamped on the shoulder of the
purpose, because nitrogen does not support
Consult NAVAIR 06-20-2, Gas Cylinders, for the
latest information on cylinders (storage type), use,
handling, and maintenance.
Pipes, pipe threads, and other pressure containers
are sometimes greased or oiled. The use of
compressed oxygen for the general purpose of
Liquid oxygen requires continuous monitoring to
testing for leaks is extremely dangerous and almost
certain to cause a violent explosion.
primary way of ensuring that each operation in the
LOX supply system is carried out in strict compliance
with established procedures is the Aviators' Breathing
Oxygen (ABO) Surveillance Program. Surveillance
Always close valves and replace caps when
begins with the procurement or generation of LOX by
cylinders are not in use.
Navy and Marine Corps activities, and continues
Handle cylinders carefully. Rough handling,
during the storage, handling, transfer, and servicing of
aircraft. The Navy coordinates its program with the Air
knocks, or falls may damage cylinders, valves, or
Force, ensuring a safe supply of LOX at U.S. facilities
safety devices, causing leaks. A more serious
consequence could result from a broken valve,
which could cause the rapidly escaping gas to
Personnel who perform operations in the ABO
impart a rocket-like thrust to the cylinder.
S u r ve i l l a n c e P r o g r a m s h o u l d h ave a t h o r o u g h
knowledge of the characteristics of oxygen in both its
Before making a connection to a cylinder valve,
liquid and gaseous states. They should also understand
open the valve slightly, and then close it
immediately. This action, called cracking, clears
and the need for quality control.
the valve of particles of dust or dirt that
Q10-15. Aviators' breathing oxygen cylinders have
otherwise might enter the connection.
which of the following paint schemes?
If a valve is difficult to open, point the valve
Green with one white band
opening away from your body and use greater
Green with two white bands
force. You should be able to exert enough
Green with one light gray band
pressure with your hand to open or close the
Green with two light gray bands