operational procedures, and environmental factors. Runway orientation is determined
by analyzing wind data, terrain, noise levels, and planned local development.
Runway classification is dependent on the types of aircraft that operate from the runway
and is not related to aircraft approach categories. Class A runways are used primarily
for small aircraft operations. They do not have the potential or foreseeable requirement
to accommodate heavier aircraft. Class A runways are less than 8,000 feet long, and
less than 10 percent of the operations involve Class B type aircraft. All other runways
are Class B runways except the basic training outlying fields used by T-34 aircraft for
which special criteria apply.
The standard width for runways built before June of 1981 is 200 feet. For runways
planned after June of 1981, the standard width is 200 feet for Class B runways and 75
feet for Class A runways except those Class A runways where T-6, T-34, and T-44
aircraft are operated by the Naval Air Training Command. In this case, the runway width
shall be increased to 200 feet in order to simulate the runway conditions found at fleet
stations. For detailed runway and width specification, refer to Unified Facilities Criteria
(UFC) 2-000-05N (P-80), Facility Planning Criteria for Navy & Marine Corps Shore
Installations, and Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design UFC 3-260-01.
Air Installations Compatibility Use Zones (AICUZ)
The classification of Navy and Marine corps runways is determined as a part of the
AICUZ program. This program, which is defined in AICUZ Program, OPNAVINST
11010.36, provides guidelines for achieving compatibility between air installations and
neighboring communities. Each Navy air installation designated by the Chief of Naval
Operations has an AICUZ study.
This study includes a detailed analysis of aircraft noise, accident potential, land-use
compatibility, operational alternatives, and potential solutions to both existing and
potential land-use problems.
Runway Overrun Areas
The primary purpose of runway overrun areas is to provide a reasonably effective
deceleration area for aborting or overshooting aircraft. This area may also serve as an
emergency all-weather access for fire-fighting, crash, and rescue equipment.
Some runways have paved overruns; these areas are marked with nonretroflective
yellow chevrons. An area with this type of marking is unusable for landing, takeoff, and
taxiing. The Apex of the chevrons are painted along the runway centerline with legs at a
45 degree angle to the centerline. The Apex of the first full chevron is located 50 feet
from the threshold line. Each chevron leg is 3 feet wide and extends out to the edge of
the paved area, but not more than 100 feet each side of the centerline.