A runway centerline with a magnetic azimuth of 186 degrees will have the
number 19 painted on the runway approach end. The whole number 186 is
rounded to 190, and the zero is dropped.
The opposite end of this runway will have a 01 painted on the runway approach
end. The whole number 006 is rounded to 010, and the ending zero is dropped.
At airports that are using parallel runways, L indicates left, R indicates right, and C
indicates center. All numbers and letters are painted retroreflective white.
Runway Centerline Markings
Runway centerline markings consist of a broken line of 100- to 150-foot-long stripes
separated by 60-foot minimum blank spaces. The first centerline stripe starts 40 feet
from the top of the runway designation marking. The centerline stripes are 12 to 18
inches wide for basic runways and a minimum of 36 inches wide for other runways.
Runway centerline markings are retroreflective white.
Other Runway Markings
Table 4-1 contains other runway markings that you should be familiar with.