Runway Markings
Airfield pavement markings are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
with overall Navy configuration control established by NAVAIRSYSCOM. The following
information complies with current facility-design manuals and may differ slightly for
some facilities built many years ago, but future construction and modernization of
existing facilities will meet these requirements. Airfield marking and lighting
requirements for Navy and Marine Corps can be found in General Requirements for
Shorebased Airfield Marking and Lighting, NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2.
Runway Designation Markings
Each runway is numbered according to its inbound magnetic azimuth, rounded off to the
nearest 10 degrees. The runway number is the whole number to the nearest one-tenth
of the azimuth of the centerline of the runway. If the magnetic azimuth of the runway
centerline is 5 degrees or more, the designation is the next higher number. If the whole
number is less than 10, the runway designation number is preceded by a zero. For