General Information
Catalog of Maps, Charts,
Provides a complete listing of NGA aeronautical charts,
and Related Products, Part
Flight Information Publications (FLIP), and related
I, Vol. I
products. It is available on CD-ROM or online at EMALL
and provides products descriptions, chart indexes,
requisitioning procedures, and information on Automatic
Initial Distribution (AID).
Semiannual Bulletin Digest,
This digest is published semiannually. It provides a listing
Part 1 Aeronautical
of new editions of all aeronautical charts, special purpose
charts, and related products. The Semiannual Bulletin
Digest also contains current editions of charts and
publications, items being deleted, canceled charts and
publications, and special notices. A new issue of the
Semiannual Bulletin Digest replaces the previous issues
and accumulates all changes that have occurred since
the most recently issued digest.
Aeronautical Chart Updating
Provides the chart user with a cumulative listing of all
Manual (CHUM)
published charts for each chart series and a list of known
corrections if any. Also provides chart additions and
notices of special interest to be considered when using
current editions of published aeronautical charts. The
manual is published in three volumes on a semiannual
basis and replaces all previous issues of the CHUM
Supplement and CHUM.
Aeronautical Chart Updating
The CHUM Supplement provides the same information
Manual (CHUM)
as the CHUM but is published on a monthly basis
between the issue months of the CHUM. Each new
CHUM Supplement includes all changes that have
occurred since the most recently issued CHUM.
Table 2-3 -- Common NGA products
Automatic Initial Distribution
Automatic Initial Distribution (AID) refers to the automatic issue of predetermined
quantities of new or revised products. AID is the means by which your basic load of
maps and charts is kept current with no action required by your command. All products
in the NGA Catalog are available through AID. Each user on AID is required to
revalidate their requirements annually; a listing of requirements is furnished for this