Enroute Low Altitude
Enroute Low Altitude charts portray the airway system and
related data required for IFR operation at altitudes below
18,000 mean sea level (MSL). Thirty-six low altitude charts
are available labeled L-1 through L-36. Publication cycle is
every 8 weeks.
Enroute High Altitude
Enroute High Altitude charts portray the airway system and
related data required for IFR operations at and above FL
180 MSL. Twelve charts are printed on six sheets. Charts
1-11 cover the entire United States, with Chart 12
duplicating data shown on H-9, H-10, and H-11 for those
who frequently plan flights North and South along the East
Coast within the area of coverage. Publication cycle is
every 8 weeks.
Enroute IFR Supplement
The Enroute IFR Supplement is a bound booklet
containing an alphabetical listing of IFR airports and
facilities in the United States. Publication cycle is every 8
Enroute VFR Supplement
The Enroute VFR Supplement contains an alphabetical
listing of selected United States VFR airports with
sketches. This supplement is published every 24 weeks
with enroute change notices (ECN) issued at the 12-week
Flight Information
The Flight Information Handbook is a DOD publication
issued every 32 weeks. It contains information not subject
to frequent change that is required by DOD aircrews in
flight. Sections include emergency procedures, FLIP and
notice to airmen (NOTAM) abbreviations and codes,
national and international flight data and procedures,
meteorological information. This publication is intended for
worldwide use in conjunction with DOD FLIP Enroute
Area Charts
These charts portray the airway system and related data
required for IFR Operations in selected terminal areas at
altitudes below FL180 MSL. Twelve variable scale charts
are printed on one sheet. Publication cycle is every 8