Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File
The Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File (DAFIF) incorporates US Military
selected aeronautical data similar to data contained within FLIP products. It is used for
existing and developing automated applications such as flight planning systems, flight
simulators, flight management systems, and various situational awareness programs.
The output media CD/DVD is updated every 28 days and is available from DLA and
web download via all NGA websites. The following standard outputs are available:
Navigational Aids
ATS Routes
Airspace including SUA, MTR, and Air Refueling Routes
Enroute and Terminal data covering high and low altitude enroute structures
Miscellaneous Flight Information Products
There are many flight information publications, but we will only discuss Foreign
Clearance Guide, Aeronautical Information Manual, and Notices to Airmen. Also, it is
important to remember that this section does not list all of the publications that you may
deal with. A more extensive list is provided in the Flight Planning chapter of the
NATOPS Air Traffic Control Manual, NAVAIR 00-80T-114. Each facility will have a
complete listing of all the publications that they use, and you should become completely
familiar with that list.
Foreign Clearance Manual
The Foreign Clearance Manual (FCM) establishes standards for requesting and
approving DOD foreign clearances for aircraft diplomatic clearances and personal travel
clearances. The FCM is updated daily, and users shall make their primary source for
the document the version maintained in the up-to-date electronic version, known as the
electronic Foreign Clearance Manual (eFCM).
The FCM is organized in four chapters:
Chapter 1 Purpose and applicability of the document
Chapter 2 DOD policy for aircraft and implementing procedures for obtaining
DOD Aircraft Diplomatic Clearances, Airports of Entry (AOE) permission, and
operations in international and host nation airspace
Chapter 3 DOD Policy for personnel and implementing procedures for
obtaining DOD Personnel Travel Clearances and other requirements for foreign
Chapter 4 U.S. Government policy and implementing procedures for obtaining
Foreign Operating Rights to accomplish DOD actions in foreign countries