N615, the requisition will appear in the daily DTO-ROB
Report. On-station issues that were not completed on
conversation code N615 will appear in the ISSIP Report.
Cancellation requests will be processed by PMU for
issue priority groups I and II. The SRS processes all
other requests for cancellation. Cancellations are
processed by using conversation code N610 for
on-station documents and N611 for off-station
If the requested consumable item is not available,
TRU will use conversation code N61 O to update the
local status. The TRU can also use conversation code
N610 to refer the requisition to other computer systems,
if linked, for processing. The TRU or PMU can update
the supply system status on the requisition by using
conversation code N609.
If the requested repairable item is NC/NIS and TRU
determines that there are no substitutes available, two
things will happen. First, if the requisition contains 5S
advice code, NALCOMIS will assign a local status of
OFFMP. This status means off-line for manual
processing. Check to see if the CRIPL 5S Advice cede
is valid, and then coordinate with DCU to clear the
status. If the requisition is valid, refer the requisition off
station by using conversation code N610. If the
requisition contains an Advice code 5G, NALCOMIS
will post an EXREP status. When IMA confirms the
item as BCM, the Carcass Tracking processing will pass
the requisition off station. A REFER status will appear
on the NMCS/PMCS Report after the JCBCM status.
Component Control Section
The component control section (CCS) is
responsible for managing repairables in the local repair
cycle asset (LRCA) storage area and the repair cycle,
including retrograde. The CCS manages these items by
performing inventory control over all repairable assets
stored in the LRCA storage areas. This includes items
in the intermediate maintenance activity (IMA) repair
cycle and retrograde repairables being processed for
shipment via ATAC. The CCS consist of four units. They
are the document control unit (DCU), LRCA storage
unit, supply screening unit (SSU), and awaiting parts
(AWP) unit. The following paragraphs describe the
responsibilities of the CCS units.
responsible for the control of all non-RFI components
in the IMA repair cycle (except rotatable pool
components). The DCU also maintains control of
components awaiting turn-in from customers.
DCU maintains several files as follows:
The document suspense tile is a record of demands
for repairable items. In manual processing, it contains
the white copy of the DD Form 1348 (6 pt) that was
received from TRU/RCU. The DCU holds this file in
job control number (JCN) sequence until receipt of the
corresponding MAF as proof of induction from AMSU.
The exchange due file contains records to indicate
that a defective turn-in is due. In manual processing, this
tile contains the yellow copy of the DD Form 1348 (6
pt) received from MDU. The DCU keeps this file in JCN
sequence and uses it to follow up on the turn-in of
defective units. The DCU ensures that customers turn-in
defective components, listed in CRIPL, within 24 hours
after receipt of the replacement. Upon receipt of the
turn-in item, DCU gives the signed yellow copy of the
DD Form 1348(6 pt) to the customer as proof of turn-in.
The NALCOMIS conversation code N661 allows the
user to print an IOU report. This report will list all of the
criteria selected by the user. Conversation code N676
displays the IOU status information of a particular
component. The NALCOMIS activities use a signed
copy of the DD Form 1348-1 as proof of turn-in.
The induction return due file contains records of
components inducted in the repair cycle. In manual
processing it contains the MAF or facsimile copy. The
DCU receives a copy of the MAF and the original,
green, and hardback copies of the DD Form 1348(6 pt)
from AMSU. The DCU uses these documents to check
the exchange due file and, if necessary, discards the
yellow copy of DD Form 1348 (6 pt). The DCU writes
the issue Julian date on the original copy of the DD Form
1348 (6 pt) and sends it to DSF. The DCU files the MAF
copy in the induction return due file until SSU submits
the corresponding white copy of the DD Form 1348. The
DCU also completes and verities the Material Data
block of the MAF copy.
If a component returned from AMSU is RFI, DCU
discards the white and green copies of the DD Form
If a component returned from AMSU is non-RFI,
DCU sends the green copy of the DD Form 1348 to the
financial section and discards the white copy.
After processing the components returned from
AMSU and the MAF copy in the induction return due
file, DCU sends the MAF copy to DSF for 3-M