The NALCOMIS activities use conversation code
N618 to record the return of consumable or repairable
items from customers. This process creates a turn-in
(D6A) record. It also generates a DD Form 1348-1 or
Repairable Movement Notice (D6A) if the item is
NOTE: In the event that wrong material was
received from off station, either RFI or non-RFI, and
there is no allowance for the material, submit a Report
Of Discrepancy (ROD) for disposition instructions.
The RCU prepares a duplicate DD Form 1348(6 pt)
(or other document) of the original requisition with
RECTYP 62. The RECTYP 62 will delete the RECTYP
60 previously submitted. The RCU forwards one copy
of the DD Form 1348 to the data services facility (DSF)
for processing. A duplicate DD Form 1348 is not
required if the original copy can be located and
destroyed prior to being forwarded to DSF.
In NALCOMIS activities, RCU is primarily
involved with conversation codes N601, N602, N604,
N607, N610, and N615. The RCU also uses
conversation codes N606, N614, N619, N624, N630,
N643, N668, and N679. Refer to the NALCOMIS User's
Manual for other conversation codes used by RCU.
TRU is responsible for the verification of requisition
data, such as part number, stock number, references, and
other technical data. When applicable, a thorough
technical research is made for substitution,
interchangeability, and alternate national item
identification numbers.
The TRU processes requisitions as follows:
The TRU receives requisitions from RCU. Upon
receipt of the requisitions, TRU performs technical
research to find the required data needed to process the
requisition. The TRU uses publications, catalogs, stock
lists, manuals, or computers to perform the research.
If the requisition is for a consumable item, TRU
sends the green copy of DD Form 1348 to RCU and
discards the yellow and white copies. The TRU sends
the remaining copies of DD Form 1348 to the stock
locator unit for further processing.
If the requisition is for a repairable item, TRU
checks the CRIPL. If the requested item is not listed in
the CRIPL, TRU marks the requisition as a mandatory
turn-in repairable (MTR). The TRU also lists the
applicable substitute, interchangeable, supersedure, and
next higher assembly information on the requisition.
The TRU forwards the white copy of the DD Form 1348
to DCU and the remaining copies to the stock locator
unit (SLU).
In NALCOMIS activities, TRU uses conversation
codes N604, N610, N631, N650, N651, N654, N656,
N657, and N679. It also uses conversation codes N682,
N683, N687, N689, and N628.
responsible for locating the material by use of stock
locator cards, master stock status and locator listing
(MSSLL), or other available locator systems. Under
some automated systems, the locations are printed on
the requisitions when processed.
SLU processes the requisition as follows:
Upon receipt of a requisition from TRU, SLU
determines the availability and location of the requested
material. The SLU will put the location of material
carried in stock on a DD Form 1348 and send it to MDU.
If the requested item is NC/NIS, SLU will put the
status on the DD Form 1348 and forward the requisition
to TRU for a recheck. The SLU conducts a physical
warehouse/storeroom check on all NMCS/PMCS/work
stoppage requisitions that were NC or NIS. When SLU
receives the requisition rechecked by TRU, for a
consumable item, and the status is still NC/NIS, SLU
will forward the requisition to RCU. If the NC/NIS
requisition is for a repairable item, SLU sends the green
copy of the DD Form 1348 to RCU. The SLU will hold
the remaining copies of the DD Form 1348 in the
repairable suspense file until notified by RCU to induct
the item as EXREP or work stoppage.
Upon notification by RCU to induct the item, SLU
marks the requisition EXREP or work stoppage and
forwards the DD Form 1348 to MDU for component
The SLU forwards the requisitions for repairable
items, listed in the CRIPL, that are NC/NIS to RCU.
In activities that use the preposting method, the SLU
function is not required. In this case, the stock control
or storage branch assumes this task.
In NALCOMIS activities, SLU primarily uses
conversation codes N610, N616, N628, N629, N631,
N662, N670, N687, and N809. The SLU uses
supporting conversation codes N606, N607, N619,
N624, N632, N633, N634, N638, N639, N686, and
N689. Refer to the NALCOMIS Users Manual for other
conversation codes used by SLU.
MDU is responsible for the pickup and delivery of all