information from the supply document are entered and
merged with the material reporting history file.
Activities forward the report to the Naval Sea Logistics
Center (NAVSEALOGCEN). Material usage data in the
report conveys information to different managerial
levels in the Navy. This data allows management to
accomplish the following:
. Relate material issues and turn-ins to weapons
systems and components by activity and maintenance
l Appraise higher commands of material
expenditures in support of maintenance
. Determine weapons systems costs at the O- and
I-levels of maintenance
. Determine usage, failure, and TAT rates for
allowance change requests and developing the
OSI/fixed allowance
A record type (RECTYP) code identifies each type
of supply action document. The record type codes are
as follows:
RECTYP 60 - Material issues for weapons
RECTYP 61 - RFI component from IMA
RECTYP 62 - Deletion of previously submitted
RECTYP 63 - The non-RFI components from
RECTYP 64 - Material issue for technical
directive (TD) compliance
RECTYP 65 - Material issue to fill initial
RECTYP 66 - Material issue to PEB and for
indirect material requirements
The source documents used for gathering
information for material reporting are the requisitions
and the supply portion of maintenance actions. In
manual processing, these are the completed DD Form
1348 (6 pt) and a copy of the maintenance action form
(MAF). The completed documents require timely
submission to the data services facility (DSF) for
processing. That is, the document must be processed
within 1 work day after completing the supply
transaction. In automated activities, the computer
automatically extracts the data for material reporting.
Supply must complete revalidation of erroneous
material reporting data within 1 work day after receipt
from DSF.
NOTE: The NALCOMIS communication network
allows output of the Aviation Maintenance and Material
Management Systems to an external interface.
The local data services facility provides supply with
local material reports. The MR-1-1 and MR-1-2 contain
information for repairable management and fixed
allowance determination. These reports merge supply
and maintenance data to determine usage and TAT of
repairable items. The MR-1-1 and MR-1-2 are identical
reports except for the sequence in which they are
produced and the totals taken. The MR-1-1 is by Work
Unit Code (WUC), by NIIN, and by JCN sequence. The
MR-1-2 is by NIIN and by JCN sequence. Each report
has two parts. Part 1 is a detailed list, and part 2 is the
summarization of the detailed list. The report contains
the data for the current 6 months. Activities requesting
the report can select the reporting period desired. The
MR-2-1, MR-2-2, and MR-2-3 are expense item
management data reports. The reports contain
information for reviewing item usage to set stock levels.
The reports display frequency and demand data on all
maintenance and related expense items for up to the
previous 6 months, Activities using NALCOMIS should
refer to the NALCOMIS User's Manual for procedures
on material reporting.
Material management involves a direct relationship
between the two complex operations of maintenance
and supply, It is important that these operations have a
single point of contact for coordinating those functions
common to both. The success of material management
at any activity depends largely on the success of this
coordination effort. It is imperative supply and
maintenance personnel be familiar with responsibilities
of both.
The ASD/SSC officer is responsible to the supply
officer for the performance of the center and acts as a
direct liaison between the aircraft intermediate
maintenance department (AIMD) officer and the supply
officer. The ASD/SSC is responsible for the following
. Receiving requirements for material
of weapons systems maintenance
in support