l Job control number (JCN)
l Work Unit code (WUC)
l Originator code of requisitioner
The NALCOMIS activities can print NMCS/PMCS
High Priority Report through conversation code N696.
This report will list all requisitions selected by the user.
An AWP status is provided weekly to the AIMD on
a mechanized listing and contains, as a minimum, the
same information as the previous NMCS/PMCS status
listing, except the BUNO is replaced with the work
center. The NALCOMIS activities can print the AWP
Repair Parts Status Report through conversation code
N694. This report lists all of the components that are
The Individual Component Repair List (ICRL)
contains the existing repair capability data on items
previously processed by the IMA. The supporting
supply activity is responsible for assisting IMA in
maintaining an accurate ICRL. The supporting supply
activity uses the ICRL for the following purposes:
. To enter the repair capability code on local stock
. As a source of data for recomputing repairable
allowances for activities that use manual procedures
The NALCOMIS activities use conversation code
N201 to add new ICRL records to the data base.
Conversation code N202 is used to update already
established records or to delete an ICRL record.
Conversation code N222 is used to display the ICRL
record of an item on the computer screen. Conversation
code N235 is used to request a printout of ICRL in the
sequence selected by the user.
The aviation support division (ASD)/supply
support center (SSC) is the contact point for supply
operations. It is the single contact point where material
control centers of O- and I-level maintenance activities
place requirements for material and equipment required
for support of weapons systems maintenance. The
ASD/SSC consist of two sections, the supply response
section (SRS) and the component control section (CCS).
Figure 9-1 shows the organization of the ASD/SSC.
Figure 9-1.-.ASD/SSC organization.
Supply Response Section
The SRS is the single point of contact for processing
customer requirements and providing follow-ups and
status as required. The SRS is divided into six units:
requisition control unit (RCU), technical research unit
(TRU), stock locator unit (SLU), material delivery unit
(MDU), pre-expended bin (PEB) unit, and the program
management unit (PMU).
The SRS is responsible for the following:
Processing material requirements
Maintaining control
Transmitting requests to other on-station supply
processing points as required
Delivering all parts and materials to customers
Providing status on all requirements received
Maintaining all aviation PEBs
Expediting all high-priority requisitions
Reviewing and monitoring mailbox messages in
Individual unit responsibilities of the SRS are listed
in the following paragraphs.
RCU receives all requests for material requirements,