If during the grit blast operation the gun
becomes clogged, it maybe necessary to sift
foreign matter from the grit. This is
accomplished by using a sieve furnished with
the grit blasting cabinet.
6. Repeat the process until the entire exposed
area of wire rope has been grit blasted. Finally,
direct the nozzle into the open end of the
broomed-out wires at about 30° from the
longitudinal, and rotate the wire rope slowly through
360° while blasting with a circular motion. See
figure 3-52. Remove the wire rope from the cabinet
and inspect it for completeness of grit blasting. Any
evidence of shine will indicate a need for additional
grit blasting.
After being grit blasted, the wires should
not be touched with hands, rags, gloves, and
so on, or the cleanliness required for sound
terminals will be impaired.
7. Shake the wire rope vigorously, broomed-out
end down, to remove any grit between the wires or
in the hemp center.
Figure 3-52.Blasting inner wires.
Only air from the cabinet supply is used
to remove grit; do NOT use any other
source, because other sources may be
contaminated with oil or water.
8. Remove the grit-siphon tube from the grit
supply, and air blast the wire rope to remove the
remaining grit.
After grit blasting a total of 15
broomed-out ends, drain off 10 pounds of
used grit from the bottom of the hopper and
replace it with 10 pounds of new grit.
9. Remove the tape from the wire rope.
10. Prepare a
For solution
solution and flux the wire rope.
preparation and fluxing, the
following procedures are used:
1. Heat the pre-mixed solution until the
temperature is between 160 and 210°F, using the
hotplate provided. Measure the temperature of the
solution with the bimetallic thermometer. Allow the
solution to remain at this temperature for 5
minutes, then remove it from the hotplate and allow
it to cool to room temperature.
2. Remove any scum or foreign matter from
the surface of the cooled solution with clean napkins
or wiping towels.
Do NOT agitate the solution
during this operation.
3. Carefully pour the clear, cooled solution into
another stainless steel container. Avoid pouring any
foreign matter into this container.
If the hot-air drying method is used, the
solution can be used cold. If the cable is to
be dried by natural air, use the procedures
listed in step 4.
4. Heat the clear flux solution until the
temperature is between 160 and 210°F.