Do NOT flux wire rope terminals.
Immerse wires carefully so the flux
solution does not enter the core of
hemp-center-type wire rope.
Immerse the grit-blasted wires in the
solution to within 1 inch of the top of the
seizing for 5 minutes.
5. Remove the wire rope from the solution,
shake, and turn the broomed end upright at once.
Then allow it to dry for 5 minutes. Any evidence of
rust on the wires after the flux-dry period will
necessitate refluxing.
Preparing the Terminals
Using a degreased length of seizing wire,
suspend the terminal from the top of the ultrasonic
degreaser so it is submerged in the solution. Allow
10 minutes for the decreasing operation. Inspect
the terminal and repeat the procedure if necessary.
Rinse the terminal in a bucket of clean GRISOLVE
MT-N for 30 seconds, then let air-dry for 5 minutes.
Replace the solution in the ultrasonic
degreaser after 10 terminals have been
Replace the rinsing
solution after 10 terminals have been rinsed
or as soon as the solution becomes cloudy.
Lay the terminal in the grit blast cabinet. Plug
the cable entry hole with the rubber plug hanging
from the cabinet. Secure the doors on the side.
Grit blast the internal surfaces of the terminal from
both ends. Rotate the terminal so that the entire
internal surface is blasted.
Remove the terminal, invert it, and shake it
thoroughly to remove residual grit.
To keep arresting gear crews constantly
aware of the health hazards associated with
the present terminal pouring procedures,
safety warning placards, fabricated by ships
forces, will be posted in clearly visible
locations in the arresting gear terminal
pouring rooms/area. (See fig. 3-53.)
Preparing and Pouring Zinc
Use only special high-grade zinc NAEC
PN323822-2. No other is acceptable.
Personnel engaged in preparing and/or
pouring molten zinc must wear protective
clothing, such as goggles and gloves. A
protective screen must be provided around
the pouring station.
A melting pot and furnace are used to melt the
zinc. Use a ladle that is thoroughly dry and free
from rust, scale, slag, or any other foreign matter.
The quantity of zinc prepared should be sufficient
for pouring several terminals and should be ready
prior to placing the terminals on the wire rope.
Figure 3-53.Safety placard for terminal-pouring rooms