pounds, and is positioned in the line leading from
the pump to the ram (see figs. 3-61 and 3-62).
The machine operating procedure is as follows
(refer to fig. 3-62).
1. Thoroughly clean the portion of cable (19)
that will be in contact with the wedge set (1) during
the test. Do NOT use solvent for this cleaning
2. Relieve all pressure in the hydraulic system
by cracking open the external load-release valve (21)
to slowly release the proof-load on the gauge.
Slowly releasing the gauge load will
prevent rapid snapback, with resultant
possible breakage of the gauge pointer.
3. Manually move the crosshead away from
rams and install the crosshead terminal.
4. Remove the safety lock pin and slide the lid
toward the cylinders to open.
5. Install the wedge set, Lucker Manufacturing
Company Part No.
3130-143 (for testing 1
7/16-inch-diameter purchase cable).
Do not lubricate the cable gripping
surface or the lid sliding surface.
6. Retract the wedges by pulling on the
retracting cables.
Lubricate the wedge sliding
No. 630AAA,
manufactured by Fiske Bros. Refining Company,
Newark, New Jersey, before each test.
1. Wedge set
9. Connecting pin
2. Safety lock pin
10. Clevis socket
3. Grip assembly lid
11. Lock ring
4. Retracting cables
12. Cable terminal
5. Tension gauge
13. Tension rod
6. Hand hydraulic pump
14. Purchase cable
7. Hose assembly
15. Needle valve
8. Ram (cylinder)
16. External load release valve
Figure 3-61.Wedge-type proof-loading machine (single ram).