Finishing and Inspecting the Terminal
Round off the sharp edges of the terminal with
a file. File the zinc down to a smooth surface flush
with the end of the terminal. Clean the terminal
with a wire brush. Remove all traces of residual
flux, plaster, and superficial rust (using the wire
brush) from the wire rope for a distance of 6 inches
from the base of the terminal. Chase the threads
with an applicable threading die.
Inspect the zinc face of the terminal for
soundness of zinc and good wire distribution. The
presence of any cavities in the face of the zinc
indicates that the strength of the terminal is
questionable. The criteria for acceptance of cavities
are as follows:
1. A maximum of five cavities up to 1/32-inch
wide and 1/32-inch deep scattered randomly over
the zinc face. Figure 3-60, view A, illustrates an
acceptable face.
2. A cavity up to 1/8-inch wide and 1/8-inch
deep caused by breaching of several wires must
NOT be in the center of the zinc face within the
area of 3/4-inch diameter. An acceptable face is
shown in view B.
A 1/8-inch cavity by 1/8-inch
cavity caused by any other factor than breaching
wires is not acceptable. This breaching is several
wires coming together at the surface, which does not
permit the zinc to fill the area.
These allowable cavities are the result of
pouring and not that of a pull test.
Inspect around the base of the terminal for a
penetration of zinc.
This penetration must be
present to have an acceptable terminal. It is also a
good indication of a well-poured terminal. The
wires of the strands of the wire rope below the
terminal must not show any deformity duc to having
been held too tightly in the vise during the pouring
and finishing operations.
Testing the Terminal
During an arrestment, the wire rope system
must take a very high impact load; therefore, all
fittings of the system must be carefully poured. It is
imperative that the fitting be strong and well made.
To determine their condition and strength, the
Figure 3-60.Inspection of zinc face.
terminals must be tested for soundness of the
poured joint.
Terminals poured by a naval activity or by
personnel aboard ship are tested for reliability. The
cable terminal proof-loading machine is a
specifically for proof loading poured terminals on
both deck cables and purchase cables.
Cable Terminal Proof-loading Machine
The cable terminal proof-loading machine is
capable of providing a test load that substantially
exceeds the test load required for testing the
reliability of terminals used by ABEs. The test load
is read on the tension gauge, which is calibrated in