equipment or components by replacing or repairing
parts or entire pieces of equipment. Special
overhaul work is normally done at the depot level.
Upkeep maintenance is preventive, corrective, or
additive maintenance performed by catapult and
arresting gear crew members. It includes servicing,
periodic inspection, functional and bench testing,
replacement, preservation, and repair of catapult
and arresting gear equipment.
Standard Upkeep
Standard upkeep work is the periodic or
scheduled maintenance performed on catapult and
arresting gear equipment after a prescribed number
of aircraft launches or recoveries or calendar days.
Such work is performed in compliance with
prescribed inspection or replacement requirements.
It is known as scheduled maintenance.
Special Upkeep
Special upkeep work is done on catapult and
arresting gear equipment to improve, change, or
restore their capability to perform specific mission
functions. Special upkeep maintenance is done by
replacement, removal, addition, alteration, or repair
of catapult and arresting gear parts or equipment.
This work is normally performed without regard to
flight operations or prescribed maintenance interval
periods. It is known as unscheduled maintenance.
All ALRE (aircraft launch and recovery
equipment) maintenance functions are divided into
of three distinct maintenance levels:
organizational, intermediate, or depot. To
determine at which level a maintenance task must
be accomplished, you must refer to the appropriate
maintenance, operation, and service manuals.
Maintenance tasks are assigned according to the
complexity, scope, and range of the work to be
This allows maintenance to be
performed at the lowest practical level in order to
maintain required readiness and material condition.
The three levels of maintenance are explained in the
following paragraphs.
Organizational Maintenance
Organizational or O-level maintenance is the
maintenance that is normally done by the catapult
and arresting gear crews. O-level maintenance tasks
are grouped under the following categories:
Inspection, operation, and servicing as
defined and required by PMS
Corrective and preventive maintenance,
removal/replacement of defective parts
Incorporation of technical directives (TDs),
within prescribed limitations
Record keeping and reports writing
Intermediate Maintenance
Intermediate or I-level maintenance is done by
designated maintenance activities in support of fleet
The aircraft intermediate maintenance
department (AIMD) on aircraft carriers is an
example of such activities.
I-level maintenance
includes the following functions and services:
Repair, test, inspection, and modification of
ALRE components and related equipment
Manufacture of selected and nonavailable
Incorporation of technical directives, within
prescribed limitations
Calibration of designated equipment
Depot Maintenance
Depot or D-1evel maintenance is maintenance
that requires skills and facilities beyond the O- and
I-levels of maintenance. It is performed by naval
shipyards, commercial shipyards, Naval Ship Repair
Facilities, contractor repair, the Naval Air Warfare
Center (NAWC), and by voyage repair teams
(VRTS) from specified naval aviation depots.
D-1evel maintenance supports the lower I- and
O-levels of maintenance by providing engineering
assistance and performing maintenance beyond the
capability of lower level maintenance activities.