D-level maintenance functions are grouped as
Major overhaul and repair to ALRE
Modernization, modification, or conversion
of system components
Calibration (type III) by Navy Calibration
Incorporation of TDs and service changes
Manufacture of parts and/or accessory items
Technical and engineering assistance
The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) sponsors
and directs the
ALREMP program.
It is
administered by the operational chain of command
(your commanding officer, department head,
division officer, maintenance officer, and chiefs).
T h e N a v a l A i r
(NAVAIRSYSCOM) is responsible for the support
of the ALREMP. This support includes funding,
personnel training,
research, design, development, testing, acquisition,
and logistic support of all catapult and arresting
gear materials and associated equipment.
V-2 divisions support naval operations through
the upkeep and operation of catapult and arresting
gear equipment. And, since all V-2 divisions are
similar in mission, operation, and administration, it
is reasonable that these areas of management
should be standardized. This is done by complying
with OPNAVINST 4790.15. A properly organized
and administered quality assurance (QA) and
maintenance program ensures improvement in the
following areas of management:
Performance and training of maintenance
Use of manpower and materials
General and maintenance safety
Quality of periodic and routine maintenance
Maintenance of required records and
technical publications
Maintenance and custody of tools and other
Submission of reports for statistical,
analytical, and historical purposes
Attaining and retaining the combat readiness
of the command
Continuity when personnel are transferred
between commands
The depth and complexity of specific QA and
maintenance functions will vary with the number
and type of equipment you have assigned to your
In the following pages we discuss the
maintenance organization of V-2 division.
The ALREMP provides a standard maintenance
organization and procedures to be used by all V-2
divisions. This standardization relies heavily on the
maintenance montrol (MC), quality assurance (QA),
and maintenance support (MS) branches of the
division to establish good management practices.
Figure 6-1 depicts
the ALRE maintenance
organizations for aircraft carriers. You will notice
that in each of the divisions illustrated, three distinct
types of organization are identified. They are (1)
the operational organization, which depicts the lines
of authority delegated in the daily functions of a V-2
division; (2) the maintenance group, which includes
the lines of authority to be observed by all
personnel involved in the actual performance of any
maintenance action; and (3) the maintenance
The maintenance
has the
responsibility of managing the maintenance effort.
This includes the planning and performance of
maintenance, compliance with all maintenance
policies and technical directives, continued training
of all maintenance personnel,
and verification
of actual
maintenance performance.