and group and work center supervisors to carry out
their duties more effectively and efficiently.
The maintenance control VIDS board (fig. 6-2)
displays maintenance information from all work
centers in the division. It and the work center
VIDS boards (fig. 6-3) are divided into sections
representing each work center. Each work center
section is identified by a standard work center
designation and is divided by line items to list
systems and equipment that are maintained by that
work center. The board is also divided into vertical
columns, for displaying information concerning
individual discrepancies or maintenance actions
effecting a specific system or piece of equipment.
Four columns are mandatory on the maintenance
control and all work center boards.
They are
(1) the column displaying the work center and work
center systems/equipment, as already mentioned;
(2) the In-Work column, which is used to display
in-progress maintenance actions; (3) the AWM or
column, to
maintenance actions that have been deferred; and
(4), the AWP or Awaiting Parts column, to display
maintenance actions that cannot be completed
because of a lack of parts or material. (Jobs
displayed in the AWM or AWP columns may
require the submission of a casualty report
[CASREP], due to lack of maintenance capability or
parts/material availability.)
Maintenance Action Form (MAF) Cards
MAF cards, figure 6-4, are used on the VIDs
boards to track all outstanding work center
maintenance actions, both on the work center and
maintenance control VIDs boards.
Before any
maintenance action is started, the responsible work
center must notify maintenance control. At this
time, work center and maintenance control MAF
Figure 6-2.Maintenance control VIDS board.