All personnel being considered for selection as
a QAI, CDQAI, or a CDI should meet the
following qualifications:
1. Be senior in grade and experience. This is
defined to mean a first class petty officer or above
with a well-rounded maintenance background. It is
recognized though, that unusual circumstances may
temporarily require the use of other than E-6 or
above personnel. Under these circumstances, the
most experienced personnel available, as determined
by the maintenance officer, may be temporarily
designated as a QAI or CDQAI as required.
2. Have fully developed skills and experience
related to the technical fields under their
3. Be able to research, read, and interpret
drawings, technical manuals, and directives.
4. Be able to write with clarity and technical
5. Be stable and excellent in performance.
6. Be observant, alert, and inquisitive.
QAI/CDQAIs are designated in writing by the
commanding officer after recommendation by the
V-2 maintenance officer, the V-2 division officer,
and the air department officer (see fig. 6-8).
As stated earlier in this chapter, CDIs are
assigned to the work centers and are to inspect all
work and comply with all QA objectives and
requirements during all maintenance actions
performed by their respective work centers. They
will also be familiar with the provisions of the
various QA and maintenance management programs
managed and monitored by the QA branch.
CDIs must meet the same qualifications as
QAI/CDQAIs and be PQS qualified on the
particular type of equipment that they are assigned
to inspect during maintenance. In addition, while
CDIs are performing QA duties, they are
responsible to the QA branch supervisor, ensuring
that all maintenance, safety, and QA requirements
are met by the work center by performing spot
checks of all in-progress maintenance and work.
CDIs are designated in writing by the air
department officer after recommendation by the V-2
maintenance officer and the V-2 division officer (see
fig. 6-8).
All QA inspectors (QAI\CDQAIs and CDIs)
will also be required to demonstrate their
knowledge and ability by passing a written test
administered by the QA branch. Personnel assigned
to perform QA functions (QAI/CDQAIs and CDIs)
will receive continuous training in inspecting, testing,
and quality control methods specifically applicable
to their area of responsibility. They will also receive
cross training in the performance of duties outside
their area of responsibility.
This training will
include local training courses, OJT, rotation of
assignments, and required formal equipment and
QA training schools.
QA audits are essential elements of an effective
QA program.
They provide an evaluation of
performance and program compliance throughout
the division by seining in an orderly method of
identifying, investigating, and correcting program
deficiencies on a regular basis. Audits are used to
evaluate specific maintenance programs assigned to
the QA branch for either management or
Audits fall into three categories:
1. Work center auditThese audits are
conducted quarterly to evaluate the overall quality
performance of each work center. As a minimum
the following areas and items will be evaluated:
Personnel and skills
Technical publications
Maintenance instructions
Adherence to directives,
procedures, and