Figure 6-7.ALRE PMS maintenance requirement status board (catapult).
Each work center will also have a MR status
Description of the task and the frequency of
Shot or hit number that the maintenance
requirement is due to be performed on
Total number of shots or hits to date
As with the maintenance control VIDS board,
the maintenance control MR status board will
reflect the required maintenance tasks of each work
center in the division. The maintenance control MR
status board is maintained and updated only by the
maintenance officer, the maintenance control chief,
or a person specifically designated by the
maintenance officer.
board that reflects the exact information contained
on the maintenance control board. The work center
supervisor or his designated assistant will maintain
and update the work centers MR status board.
A continuous audit and daily validations of the
MR status boards between maintenance control and
the work centers are required to ensure accuracy
and continuity of shot/hit numbers and inspection
The maintenance support branch is a key
element in the day-to-day operation of V-2 division;
it establishes a single point of maintenance expertise
and capability in the division. The maintenance
support branch is manned by senior, experienced