CDQAI- Collateral Duty Quality Assurance
CHAMFER- To bevel a sharp external edge.
CHARGE- To pressurize a hydraulic or pneumatic
system with fluid or air.
CHATTER- Vibration caused by uneven motion of
a machine, possibly resulting in damage to parts.
CNO- Chief of Naval Operations.
COGNIZANT- Pertaining to the responsible upper
authority who can make a final decision on a
specific matter.
COH- Complex overhaul.
COMCARGRU- Commander Carrier Group.
COME-ALONG- Ratchet hoist.
COMFAIRMED Commander Fleet Air,
COMFAIRWESTPAC- Commander Fleet Air,
Western Pacific.
COMNAVAIRLANT- Commander Naval Air Force,
U.S. Atlantic Fleet.
COMNAVAIRPAC- Commander Naval Air Force,
U.S. Pacific Fleet.
COMNAVAIRSYSCOM- Commander Naval Air
Systems Command.
COMNAVSEASYSCOM- Commander Naval Sea
Systems Command.
COMNAVSURFLANT- Commander Naval Surface
Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet.
COMNAVSURFPAC- Commander Naval Surface
Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet.
COMPONENT- A part of an assembly or
CONCENTRICITY- Having a common axis or
Usually refers to the closeness of
tolerances between the common center of two
or more circles (bore and outside diameter, bore
and bolt circle diameters, and so forth).
CONDENSATE- The liquid that forms when a gas
or vapor, such as steam, is cooled.
CONTINUITY- The completeness of an electrical
CORROSION- Deterioration of
usually caused by moist, salty
COSAL- Coordinated Shipboard
CROV- Constant run out valve.
a metal surface,
Allowance List.
CSMP- Current Ships Maintenance Project.
CV- Multi-purpose aircraft carrier.
CVN- Nuclear-powered multi-purpose aircraft
D-LEVEL- Depot level.
DEAD LOAD- A wheeled vehicle used instead of an
aircraft during catapult testing.
DEENERGIZE- To remove from operation
DEFORMATION- A change in the shape or
dimensions of a body, due to overstressing or
repeated usage.
DEPRESSURIZE-- To remove air or hydraulic fluid
from a system.
between the inside diameter (ID) of one part
and the outside diameter (OD) of another part
when both parts have the same axis.
DOD- Department of Defense.
DON- Department of the Navy.
DYNAMOMETER-- A device used to measure force.
EI Engineering Investigation.