THERMAL- Relating to or caused by heat.
3-M Maintenance and Material Management.
TMDER Technical Manual Deficiency/Evaluation
TOLERANCE- The amount of variation permitted
in the size of a part.
TORQUE A force applied to a part, using a
twisting or rotating motion.
TPDR Technical Publication Deficiency Report.
TPL- Technical Publications Library.
UIC Unit Identification Code.
VENT- To remove air or other gas or vapor from a
VIDS Visual Information Display System.
VISCOSITY- Measure of resistance of a fluid to
flow. (Thick liquids, such as syrup or glue,
would have a higher viscosity than water.)
VLA- Visual landing aid.
VOLATILE- Passing off readily in the form of a
VR Voyage repair.
VRT Voyage Repair Team.
W/C Work Center.
WARNING- An emphatic notice requiring correct
operating or maintenance procedures and the
ensuring of safe conditions to prevent injury or
loss of life.
WARPING- Bending or twisting out of shape.
WDC Work Definition Conference.
WET STEAM- Steam mixed with free water