MEGGER An instrument used for checking the
insulation of electrical cables.
MEGOHM- A unit of electrical resistance equal to
a million ohms.
METCAL- Meteorology and Calibration (program).
MICROINCH A unit of measurement equal to a
millionth of an inch.
MILSTRIP- Military Standard Requisition and
Issue Procedures.
MIM Maintenance Instruction Manual.
MIP Maintenance index page.
MISALINEMENT- The condition of not being
along a fixed straight line; cocked to one side
with respect to other parts.
MOVLAS- Manually Operated Visual Landing Aid
MR Maintenance requirement.
MRC Maintenance requirement card.
MS Maintenance support.
NATTC- Naval Air Technical Training Center.
NAVAIRWARCEN- Naval Air Warfare Center.
NAVMILPERSCOM- Naval Military Personnel
NAVSHIPYD- Naval Shipyard. -
NDI Non-destructive inspection.
NECKING-DOWN A reduction in diameter, as in
a bolt or stud, caused by wear from vibration of
another part.
NSN National Stock Number.
NTP- Navy Training Plan.
O-LEVEL- Organizational Level.
OHM A measurement of electrical resistance.
OJT- On-the-job training.
OPNAV- Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
OPTAR- Operations
(or Operating) Target
OSI Operating space item.
PARALLEL Being arranged so that two or more
lines, such as centerlines or lines along outside
edges, can all be at right angles to one common
PEB- Pre-expended bin.
PEEN To change the shape of a metal part by
striking with a hammer.
pH NUMBER A number used to measure the
acidity or alkalinity of a solution; pH values run
from 0 through 14.
A value of 7 indicates
neutrality; numbers less than 7 indicate acidity,
and numbers greater than 7 indicate alkalinity.
PICKLE- To clean castings or forgings in a hot
weak-sulfuric-acid bath.
PITTING- Small deep cavities with sharp edges.
May be caused in metal surfaces by high impacts
or by oxidation.
PME- Precision measuring equipment.
PMS Planned Maintenance System.
PNEUMATIC- That which is operated or moved by
the use of pressurized air.
PQS- Personnel Qualification Standards.
PRESSURIZE- To compress air or hydraulic fluid
to a pressure greater than normal.
QA Quality Assurance.