QAI- Quality Assurance Inspector.
QDR- Quality Deficiency Report.
RAC- Rapid action change.
REEVE- To pass a cable or rope through a sheave,
hole, ring, or similar object.
REMOVAL TORQUE- The minimum torque
required to remove an installed screw, measured
with no axial load in the screw and while the
screw is in motion.
SATURATED STEAM- Steam that contains
measurement of fluid viscosity as determined by
a Saybolt viscometer.
(The higher the SSU
number, the more viscous the fluid.)
SCORING- Deep grooves in a surface caused by
rubbing when fine, hard particles are forced
between moving surfaces (as in a bearing and
journal), or when a moving part is not supplied
with lubricant.
SE- Support equipment.
SECDEF- Secretary of Defense.
SECNAV- Secretary of the Navy.
SECURE- Tighten joints or fasteners.
SEIZING- A wrapping, consisting of several turns
of light line or wire, placed around the cut end
of a wire rope to prevent the strands of the rope
from unraveling.
SEIZING- The stopping of motion between two
surfaces because of lack of
SFOMS- Ships Force
Overhaul Management
SFWP- Ships Force Work Package.
SHEAR- A break in a part caused by an external
SHIPALT- Ship alteration.
SI- Ship Installation,
SIMA- Shore Intermediate Maintenance Activity.
SLEP- Service Life Extension Program.
SM&R- Source, Maintenance, and Recovery Code.
SNAP- Shipboard Non-tactical ADP Program.
SPALLING OR FLAKING- A breakdown of the
surface metal over a small area, resulting in the
surface metals becoming loose and detached
from the base material.
SRA- Selected restricted availability.
STAKE- To spread the head of a fastener, while in
place, with a center punch or similar tool to
prevent rotation of the fastener.
STELLITE-A very hard metal composition used
for facings.
STRAIN- That force within a part that is caused by
an external pressure.
STRIP SIDE- The side of the launching-engine
cylinders on which the sealing strip is located.
SUPERHEATED STEAM- Steam that is hotter than
the boiling point of water and contains no
SWAGE- To make a binding between a fitting and
wire rope by hammering the fitting until its
diameter over the wire rope is reduced so that
the fitting holds the wire rope tightly.
SWLIN Ships Work Line Item Number.
TAV Technical availability.
TCP- Tool Control Program.
TCP- Tool Control Plan.
TD- Technical Directive.
TFBR- Technical Feedback Report.