EIC Equipment identification code.
I-LEVEl- Intermediate level.
ELONGATION- An increase in the length of a
material due to heating, stretching, hammering,
and so forth.
IC Interior communications.
ILARTS- Integrated
Launch and Recovery
Television Surveillance System.
EM Electricians Mate.
IMA- Intermediate maintenance activity.
ENERGIZE- To put into operation electrically.
INSURV Inspection and survey.
EROSION Pitting or eating away of metal due to
the action of steam, chemicals, water, or
IPB- Illustrated Parts Breakdown.
IRAC- Interim rapid action change.
ERRATIC- Operating in an unusual manner that
may result in possible breakdown or failure.
JCN Job control number.
FADR Fast Action Discrepancy Report.
JSN Job sequence number.
FATIGUE- A major breakdown of the surface metal
over a large area, resulting in the surface metals
becoming loose and detached from the base
LAGGING- The material used to insulate steam
pipes or boilers to prevent the loss of heat by
LANG LAY- The lay in the strands and the lay in
the rope are in the same direction.
FBR- Feedback Report.
FLOLS- Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System.
LAY- That length of rope in which one strand
makes one complete revolution about the core.
FOD- Foreign object damage.
MC Maintenance control.
FREEZING- Stopping of motion between two
surfaces because of lack of
MAF- Maintenance Action Form.
MAGNAFLUX TESTING- An inspection procedure
to determine the presence of cracks in metal
parts, utilizing the magnetic particle inspection.
GALLING- Tearing away of a metal surface by
HERTZ- Cycles per second.
nondestructive method of inspecting areas on or
near the surface of iron or steel. The part is
magnetized and then sprinkled with iron powder
to locate discontinuities, such as hairline cracks.
HMR Hazardous Material Report.
HONE To grind with an abrasive stone to remove
surface imperfections.
MALFUNCTION- Any failure of a system or
component that prevents normal operation of
the catapult.
HUD- Heads-up display.
HYDRAULIC- That which is operated or moved by
the use of pressurized fluid.
MDR Maintenance Data Report.
HYDROSTATIC TEST A test to determine
whether a part can withstand certain hydraulic
pressures without deforming or leaking.
MDS- Maintenance Data System.