APPENDIX IGLOSSARYABE- Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment).ABRASION- Wearing away of a surface by friction,either by motion while in contact with anotherpart or by mechanical cleaning or resurfacingwith abrasive cloth or— Alternating current.ACHO– Aircraft handling officer.ACNO– Assistant Chief of Naval Operations.ACTIVATE- To put into action mechanically.ACTUATE- To put into action electrically.ADP– Automated data processing.AEL- Allowance Equipage List.AIMD– Aircraft Intermediate MaintenanceDepartment.ALINEMENT- Parts in correct related positions asspecified on manufacturing drawings.ALRE- Aircraft launch and recovery equipment.ALREB– Aircraft Launch and Recovery EquipmentBulletin.ALREMP– Aircraft Launch and RecoveryEquipment Maintenance Program.AMBIENT TEMPERATURE- The surroundingtemperature.APL- Allowance Parts List.ASO– Aviation Supply Office.ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE– Thenormalpressure of the air at sea level (14.7 psi).AWM- Awaiting maintenance.AWP- Awaiting parts.AWR- Automated work request.BACK OUT- To remove a screw or other threadedpart from its fully torqued or set position.BINDING- The stopping or the slowing down ofmotion between two surfaces because of foreignmatter, poor alinement of ports, unequalexpansion, or unequal wear between surfaces.BRAZE- To join two metals by intense heat and theapplication of a hard solder containing brass.BRINELLING- A displacement or flow of metalrather than a loss of metal due to wear.BULB SIDE- The side of the launching-enginecylinders that mates directly with the cylindercovers and is opposite the sealing-strip side,BUR– A sharp projection of metal from an edge,usuallytheresultof drilling, boring,countersinking, and so forth, but may also becaused by excessive wear of one or both surfacesadjacent to the burred edge.CAFSU- Carrier and field service unit.CALIBRATION- To check, fix, or correct thegraduation of a measuring instrument.CASREP– Casualty Report.CAUTION- An emphatic notice requiring correctoperating or maintenance procedures to preventdamage to equipment.CCF– Configuration Change Form.CDI- Collateral Duty Inspector.CDP- Cross Deck Pendant.AI-1
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