Figure 3-4.Sectional view of Mk 7 CRO valve.
aircraft is maximum. The resulting rotation of the
pivot end of the upper lever has a bushed hole that
cam, caused by the crosshead moving inward, forces
mates with the clevis end of the lead screw yoke,
the plunger downward. A plunger movement of 1
The upper lever is connected to the clevis end of
inch, acting through the upper lever, would move
the yoke by a pin. This pin extends beyond the
the lower lever 1 inch; the lower lever, in turn,
sides of the yoke and acts as a shaft and has a
would move the valve sleeve and stem 1 inch
bushed roller mounted on each extended end. The
rollers ride inside the guide attached to the housing.
The block end of the yoke is connected to the lead
The cam is a disc plate type with the desired
screw by two dowel pins. This connection provides
contour machined on its periphery. AS the cam
the means by which the lead screw adjusts (moves)
rotates, it forces the plunger down. The plunger is
the upper lever.
fitted with rollers, top and bottom.
The bottom of the upper lever is fitted with a
The bottom roller on the plunger acts against
roller that bears against the flat surface of the lower
the top flat bearing surface of the upper lever. The
lever. One end of the lower lever has a bushed hole