Aircraft Refueling Handbook, MIL-HDBK-844(AS), Department of the Navy,
Naval Air Systems Command, Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters,
Washington DC 20361, 20 Oct 1992.
Contaminated Fuel Detector A.E.L. MK.III, Technical Manual, NAVSEA 0315-
LP-014-5001, Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, Wash-
ington DC 20362, Jan 1966.
Gasoline and JP-5 Fuel Systems, Naval Ships Technical Manual, S9086-SP-
STM-010/CH-542, Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington DC 20362, 28 Sep 1990.
Petroleum Fuel Storage, Use, and Testing, Naval Ships Technical Manual
S9086-SN-STM-000/CH-541, Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington DC 20362, 01 Mar 1982 with change 2, 01 Sep 1986.
Chapter 4
Air Department Standard Operating Procedures, COMNAVAIRPAC/COM-
NAVAIRLANTINST 3100.4A, Commander Naval Air Force, United States
Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, Virginia 23511-5188 and Commander Naval Air
Force, United States Pacific Fleet, U.S. Naval Air Station, North Island, San
Diego, California 92135, 02 Dec 1987.
Damage Control-Practical Damage Control, Naval Ships Technical Manual,
S9086-CN-STM-020/CH-079 V2, Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Sys-
tems Command, Washington DC 20362, July 1977 with change 9, 01 Aug
Department of the Navy Pollution Control Reports; responsibilities and guidance
on reporting of, NAVFACINST 6240.3A, Department of the Navy, Naval
Facilities Engineering Command, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, Virginia
22332, 22 Oct 1981.
Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual, OPNAVINST 5090.1A,
Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington
DC 20350-2000, 02 Oct 1990.
Filter Separator (300 gpm), Technical Manual, NAVSEA S9550-AK-MMM-
010, Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington DC
20362, 01 Nov 1981 with change C, 15 Sep 1991.
Filter Separator (2000 gpm), Technical Manual, NAVSEA S9550-AL-MMM-
010, Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington DC
20362, Dec 1979.
Fuel Control System Consoles (Part Numbers 1000305, 1000306, and 1000308),
Technical Manual, NAVSEA S9540-AE-MMO-010/DD 963-452K, Depart-
ment of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington DC 20362, 01
Jul 1983 with change A, 01 Aug 1987.
Gasoline and JP-5 Fuel Systems, Naval Ships Technical Manual, S9086-SP-
STM-010/CH-542, Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington DC 20362, 28 Sep 1990.
General Specifications for Ships of the United States Navy, NAVSEA S9AAO-
AA-SPN-010/GEN-SPEC, Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington DC 20362, 02 Jan 1991.