AEL Mk I/AEL Mk II free water detector, 3-20
AEL Mk III contaminated fuel detector, 3-16
calibration, 3-19
light adjustments, 3-18
Afloat aircraft fueling procedures, 5-17
aircraft defueling procedures, 5-21
aircraft hot-refueling procedures, 5-20
checking, 5-23
handling of aircraft containing fuel other than
JP-5, 5-22
safety precautions, 5-23
Ashore aircraft fueling systems, 7-6
aircraft defuelers, 7-10
aircraft direct fueling system (pit), 7-6
aircraft refuelers, 7-8
refueler parking, 7-19
refuelers/defuelers, 7-10
Ashore refueling operations, 7-13
ashore safety precautions, 7-28
cold refueling of aircraft by pit, 7-14
cold refueling of aircraft by truck, 7-16
defueling of aircraft, 7-23
disposition of fuel removed from aircraft, 7-26
hot-refueling of aircraft, 7-20
product receipt, 7-27
refueling trucks at truck fill stands, 7-15
safety precautions, 7-28
Aviation Boatswains Mate rating, 1-1
Aviation Fuels Division afloat, 1-2
Aviation Fuels Division ashore, 1-4
Aviation Fuels Operational Sequencing System
(AFOSS), 4-59
Aviation fuels repair team, 1-3
Blueprints and drawings, 2-34
Casualty reporting, 8-6
Catapult lubricating oil system, 6-1
lube oil operations, 6-1
maintenance, 6-4
Centrifugal pump, 4-10
casing, 4-11
maintenance, 4-13
rotating element, 4-12
theory of operation, 4-13
troubleshooting, 4-14
wearing rings, 4-11
Centrifugal purifier, 4-32
bowl casing, 4-35
bowl shell assembly, 4-38
characteristics, 4-34
cover assembly, 4-34
drive housing and assemblies, 4-37
purifier maintenance, 4-44
purifier operations, 4-41
Characteristics and properties of fuels, 3-1
flash point, 3-3
freezing point, 3-3
health hazards, 3-3
JP-4 description, 3-2
JP-5 description, 3-1
JP-8 description, 3-2
MOGAS description, 3-1
solvency, 3-3
specific gravity, 3-3