Characteristics and properties of fuels-Continued
viscosity, 3-3
volatility, 3-2
Cla-Val fuel/defuel valve, 5-1
ejector strainer, 5-4
flow control valve (needle valve), 5-4
hytrol valve, 5-4
main valve, 5-2
operation of, 5-5
pressure-reducing control valve, 5-3
pressure-relief control valves, 5-2
setting the pressure, 5-8
solenoid-operated pilot valve (SOPV), 5-4
troubleshooting, 5-8
Combined contaminated-fuel detector (CCFD), 3-14
Consoles, 4-56
Contamination in fuels, 3-5
commingling, 3-11
limits of contamination, 3-6
microbiological growth, 3-8
sediment, 3-8
water, 3-6
Continuity, 5-16
Corrosion control, 2-32
Filters, 4-27
first-stage filters, 4-31
main fuel (service) filters, 4-27
prefilters, 4-32
Flashpoint tester, 3-21
Fuel quality monitors, 7-3
Gravity fueling nozzle, 5-14
Hose reels, 5-10
swing joint, 5-10
Hydrometer, 3-25
JP-5 fueling systems, 4-1
auxiliary system, 4-10
filling system, 4-2
hand-operated stripping system, 4-7
jet test system, 4-10
motor-driven stripping system, 4-5
reclamation system, 4-5
service system, 4-7
transfer system, 4-4
Manifolds, 4-23
double-valved manifolds, 4-23
flood and drain manifolds, 4-25
single-valved manifolds, 4-25
MOGAS systems afloat, 6-5
automatic pressure-regulating system, 6-12
cofferdam, 6-7
double-walled piping, 6-11
gaging equipment, 6-8
protective system, 6-16
receiving gasoline aboard, 6-19
seawater piping and valve arrangement, 6-10
seawater system operation, 6-11
servicing and securing operations, 6-23
storage tanks, 6-6
stripping MOGAS tanks, 6-22
Nozzle adapter, 5-13