The flow control valve controls the rate in
which fuel is evacuated from the cover chamber
of the fueling valve and the speed the fueling
hose charges. It should be adjusted so the fuel
hose charges gradually. If the hose charges too
hard, the possibility of equipment damage and
injury is increased.
5. When the pressure under the pressure-
reducing control valve diaphragm reaches a point
where it balances the loading of its compression
spring, the pressure-reducing control valve begins to
close, thus restricting the flow through the ejector-
strainer sufficiently to increase the pressure in the
main valve cover chamber. The resulting increase in
pressure in the cover chamber forces the disk toward
the seat until the main valve is passing just enough
fuel to maintain a down-stream pressure that
balances the loading of the pressure-reducing control
valve compression spring. Any subsequent change in
fuel demand tends to cause a slight change in
downstream pressure, which results in the pressure-
reducing control and main valves assuming new
positions to supply the new demand.
6. As long as normal fueling operation is in
process and the flow rate is not changing rapidly, the
Figure 5-9.Cla-Val fueling operation.