For identification and accurate filing, all direc-
tives can be recognized by the originators abbrevia-
tion, the type of release (whether an Instruction or a
Notice), a subject classification number, and in the
case of Instructions only, a consecutive number. Be-
cause of their temporary nature, Notices are not as-
signed consecutive numbers. This information is
assigned by the originator and is placed on each page
of the directive.
Dont let the word instruction fool you. It may
sound like something clerical, but instructions and
notices provide us with a tremendous amount of
information, and some instructions can be quite
large, such as the previously mentioned OPNAVINST
4790.4 (series), Ships 3-M Manual (fig. 8-3).
There are four mandatory requirements to be
met in maintaining an allowance of publications
(technical and otherwise). These requirements are
the following:
The prescribed publications be on board
Figure 8-3.Ships 3-M Manual.
The publications be maintained up to date
The publications be ready for immediate use
Applicable security provisions be observed
The primary index used to order all Navy technical
manuals and forms is the Navy Stock List of Publica-
tions and Forms, NAVPUBFORMCEN Pub. 2002.
Most changes to publications are issued in the
form of loose-leaf pages, pen-and-ink changes, or
complete revisions. When changes are issued in num-
bered pages, the old page with the corresponding
number is removed and the new replacement page
inserted in its place. Specific instructions are
normally given with each change on the method to be
used in incorporating the change. Changes should be
made immediately upon receipt.
A checklist of pages, which are to remain in the
publication after the changes have been incorporated,
is provided with changes issued for some
publications. This checklist should be compared to
pages remaining in the publication to ensure they
agree. Extra pages are removed and missing pages
ordered to bring the publication up-to-date. Obsolete
pages removed should be disposed of in accordance
with applicable regulations.
When pen-and-ink changes are made, the change
number and date should be entered with each change
for future reference. Sometimes it is convenient to cut
out pen-and-ink changes and insert them in their
proper place in a publication by fastening them with
transparent tape or glue.
A record sheet is maintained in the front of each
publication, indicating the date and number of each
change incorporated and the name or initials of the
person completing the change. This procedure makes
it simple to check if the publication is up-to-date.
Maintaining records and reports is one of the
major responsibilities of the senior ABF. All records
and reports must be accurate, up-to-date, and accord-
ing to established standards.
Work and Maintenance Logs
In the work (or operational) logs, hours of opera-
tion and operating pressures should be recorded. This
information will be very useful in keeping current the